Art League of Henderson County

Hendersonville Library Exhibits

THE ART LEAGUE  hosts exhibits of member works throughout the year at in Monthly shows at the Art Place Gallery, throughout the community including at the Henderson County Library, our local Art Galleries, The Grace Church Mills River and other venues. Exhibits are open to the public and free.  Exhibits run from a weekend to a full month and usually include a opening reception.

 "PLEIN AIR - Home Is Where the Heart Is" runs at the Henderson County Library February 3 through March 31
301 N. Washington St, Hendersonville, NC

"Where the Heart Is" runs at the Henderson County Library February 3 through March 31
301 N. Washington St, Hendersonville, NC

"Decoy Carving by Alec Hall" runs at the Henderson County Library now through February
301 N. Washington St, Hendersonville, NC

To have your 3D artwork featured in the Henderson County Library, please contact

Library Exhibit Committee Chair:  Lisa Beam

Library Operating hours
9 AM - 7 PM
9 AM - 7 PM
9 AM - 7 PM
9 AM - 7 PM
9 AM - 5 PM
Saturday   9 AM - 5 PM